6/10 I received a text on Saturday night saying a gift was coming to me

 What a surprise and blessing! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I received a text on Saturday night saying a gift was coming to me and thought it was a wrong text. So deleted it. Then on Sunday while at Mass there was a delivery brought to our house that my husband received for me. We both started to to tear up when opening all the very generous amazing gifts. And wondered who and why? I have been helping my cousin who needs a lot of help right know. I was at her condo all day Saturday and then all day Sunday so the "Gift of Hope from 12 Ordinary Women" was extra specially and perfect time. I shared some of the gift certificates and chocolate with her. She needs to be in our prayers. We have had a few challenging years too....All the Gift Cards, Chocolates, flowers and Basil are overwhelming! I don't know if I feel deserving of such a generous gift and it is hard to receive anything since I am the one that like to give.The gifts are all incredible and humbling! Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. What a blessing you all are. Know that they will be put to good use. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! again. What a blessing it is to my family, me and my cousin. 
Thank you for this wonderful organization! God Bless you
