5/24 What a blessing!

What a blessing! I can't express how surprised and blessed I was this morning to have a stranger ring my door bell and leave a card with a beautiful tree of life necklace with hope charm and money. After reading the powerful sentiment in the card, I have to say that touched my heart more deeply. I am so thankful for the thoughtfulness and encouragement of others when I am facing the most painful and trying time of my life. It has been 11 months since my 19-year-old daughter (my youngest child) walked out of our home and cut off all communication with all our family. We love her so much!! We know she is struggling with God in who she is, what she wants in life, and that she is loved greatly. My faith in Christ is strong; I know He is in control. Humanly, there are days when my anguish is overwhelming as I think about my daughter and the world she is living in and the situation and people that she has surrounded herself with. Today, I was reminded by this timely gesture and tangible gift that there are so many caring, loving people who see me, truly see me! Just as I find strength from this, I pray that wherever my daughter is today that there is someone who truly sees her and she will find the strength to call out to God who loves her greatly and reach out to her family who loves and misses her deeply. Joy to you in the joy you give to others--the joy you have given to me!
