To the mystery miracle women in Greensboro, NC:
I found a package on my doorstep yesterday that included a needed note of encouragement, a gift certificate to a nail salon and a bracelet inscribed... 'Keep fucking going'... signed 12 Ordinary Women. Just a few years ago i would have never imagined the emotional impact or even receiving such an anonymous gift. The events in my life are surreal being diagnosed with Stage 2 Ovarian Cancer and going through a very public and painful divorce after 25 years of marriage all at the same time.
Your kind gift came to me just at the moment when I needed strength, as I was in the depths of nausea and fatigue from my second round of chemotherapy. The impact is immeasurable, and the kindness of the 'stranger' was a blessing from God and came to my door just when I needed it the most.
You see on TV women on women bashing with the reality shows and Desperate Housewives drama. It is frustrating that these shows are popular, and I do not believe that this represent the power of women. Women are a powerful force, and I have received caring and nurturing acts from my friends, of acquaintances that have kept me going and lifted my spirits. I greatly appreciate the founders of 12 Ordinary Women and those who are carrying on these acts of kindness. When I am through this battle for my life, I would love to be a part of this movement.
So thank you, sincerely thank you from the deepest part of my heart.