Surprise visit by Hope and Joy!

  I wanted to take this opportunity to thank this group for the surprise visit by two wonderful women of this group (Hope and Joy). They came to visit me in the hospital after a very long journey with my son Alex. Alex was involved in a car accident on June 11, 2016 and had many medical problems including a Traumatic brain injury. Alex and our family had all of our lives change in that single moment. Since that day, we have had the pleasure to witness many miracles in our lives and in the lives of patients we have met. We have been aware of God's presence throughout this long journey toward healing. I truely believe God sent Hope and Joy to visit on a day when my body was tired and my faith was weak. The greatest joy I had was spending time with sisters in Christ who were so willing to take the time to talk with me and learn more about Alex. They also left a wonderful devotional book and a generous monetary gift. I have no words to tell them how much our family needed both of those things at exactly that moment. Please know that your group has touched my family and all of the people I have shared this story with in so many ways. Bless all of you for sharing your love with Alex and our family! Cyndi