To the 12 Ordinary Women, I was blessed on March 1st with a lovely basket of goodies, gift cards, heartfelt notes and cash from your group. What an amazing surprise!! I have been battling cancer since 2013 with a recent recurrence in 2016. God is using for good, what satan meant for evil. Having cancer has blessed me with a new lense in which to view life. No matter my circumstances I will be joyful in the Lord's mighty purpose for my life. I have enjoyed reading all the notes of encouragement, the blessing prayer for healing and hope. I have donated some of the money given to me to my church. I purchased a pair of leggings at Athleta. I still need to use the Juut gift card. Trying to decide what treatment I want to have. :) My boys loved to share the jelly beans with their youth group at church. Please know that it may have taken me 2 months to write this thank you but I have enjoyed all your gifts and blessings for me. I have had my PET scan mid March and all is clear. I thank my Heavenly Father for that clear scan and for every day that I am given on earth.
Thank you all and God's blessings on your day!