I wanted to write to let you know what a wonderful, mystery surprise basket of “Crafting Items” arrived at our house last week. My husband accepted the gift for me when I was out. When I asked him where it came from, he said he didn't know who the lady was that brought it, but he assumed that I knew....but of course I didn't and couldn't figure it out.
I was certainly overwhelmed when I read the special note made out to me from "12 Ordinary Women"…a group I had never heard of, but was able to learn about on the Web Site. What a unique group of women!
I feel honored and blessed to be thought of in this touching way. Losing our daughter to cancer 2 years ago was and is so difficult to handle, but I do find that keeping busy with crafting and especially making cards to share with others is very helpful. Many items in the basket and the Michaels Craft gift card will certainly help me continue to maybe put a smile on the faces of those I send cards to.
Thank you again for this wonderful surprise gift and know that it truly made my day.
Sincerely, Carol L.