Wow,I have been thinking of putting into words this testimony and how this kindness has touched me. It is about a long story,
a deep stepped into that valley with the kind, gentle caring hands of Christ.
What timing, yes their is change in the air. that 8 1/2 year valley doesn't have that suffocating loss it use to.
Hope is spring up. Where are my constant companions...Sorrow and Suffering?
Oh they have become Joy and Peace, amazing!
The exact timing of your most generous gift was so beautiful, the attentiveness of such a personal Savior...
it has touched my heart deeply. He is saying relax, I've got me, and so I will.
As tears are streaming down my face i am thinking of the song we sang at church this Sunday and the words-
Your a good, good Father and i am loved by's who I am.
So grateful,