Dear Wonderful Women,
Ataia & I thank you so much for your generous offering.
We remain heartsick over our personal loss but even more so when we realize the
extent of this problem. We are compelled to make a difference.
We thank you all... Bless you all.. You've done more than you'll ever know for us.
We just want to keep you informed of what we're doing so as to shine a bright light
on a dark subject. If you feel moved to do so, maybe you could forward one
of these flyers to others who might want to join us on this journey?
Ataia is graduating from Brentwood high on May 25 and Granite City offered to contribute 10% of all sales on that day. Plus Ataia is going to participate in the midnight walk in DC "out of the darkness" on June 1 & 2...
Thank you again for your compassion.
Grace & Blessings always,