My heart overflows with emotion everytime I look at your card and the willow tree angel. I had not heard of this wonderful ministry before this past Sunday, that's when I received a call that someone was at my front door. She didn't give me her name, but she gave me such encouragement, she told me that you all were praying for me, she even shared tears with me. I know that I cried for at least 20 minutes after she left. My JESUS has shown Himself in so many different ways through this time of healing. I have been overwhelmed and so touched by the acts of kindness shown to me. Being single and self-employed, I have always shared with others that GOD is my Provider. He has provided for me more than I could have imagined. But, after all He is GOD, the creator. Of course He would!!! You ladies will never know how much your gift meant to me. You are being JESUS to others with this ministry. I pray that each one of you are blessed and highly favored. I pray that you are blessed a hundred fold for the blessing you so freely gave to me. Because I know you will take GOD's blessings and you will continue to do what He has called each of you to do. God gave me my ministry a few yrs. ago. "Beauty for Ashes" Is.61:3. It's a wonderful thing to encourage and lift someone up. Bless you ladies, A