Facing a homeless shelter...


What a touching, literally *touching* moment...
I felt lost and didn't know which way to turn.. Facing a homeless shelter.. My heart ached. I had just mentioned to my daughter "God knows my heart he understands my soul, he understands our needs" Not 30 minutes went by when my phone rang. It was GRACE she said "someone recommend us to you and we have a gift for you" I was in shock.. I thought who else could it be but GOD ALMIGHTY! HE really does understand me and what we are facing!! He is SO AMAZING!!! This organization was a blessing to me and my brave daughter she even received her own personal gift WOW! We are and will be FOREVER GRATEFUL!!! A HUGE thanks from the bottom of our hearts!

Belated Thank You Texas!

This is a belated, but no less appreciated, heartfelt "thank you" for the generosity of the 12 (Extra)Ordinary Women in the Lake Travis, TX area who provided assistance in our time of need. I was fortunate enough to coach an amazing team of 4th grade girls ("The Ladies") this school year in their Destination Imagination (D.I.) journey. D.I. is a non-profit profit program guided by volunteers and devoted to helping students gain wide-ranging skills and practical life experiences as they explore a variety of mind-boggling challenges. The coolest part is that the team must produce all of their ideas independently. The Ladies worked incredibly hard all school year in order to develop and present a movie trailer as a live, theatrical performance depicting the interactions of characters from two nations. They were required to design a cinematic special effect, create an original soundtrack to complement the movie trailer, write their own script, and design and create their own props, scenery, and costumes. This was an amazing undertaking for a group of six 4th graders - and this was only part of their overall competition!

The team was awesome - they achieved 1st place at the Regional D.I. competition, allowing them to advance to the State competition where they achieved 3rd place and qualified to advance to D.I. Global Finals in Tennessee! With this success, The Ladies then had only a few weeks to raise over $5,000 in order to be able to attend the competition. This is where the HUGE THANK YOU comes in for 12 Ordinary Women, who donated to our team and helped us to make this opportunity happen for our girls. The girls had a fabulous trip where they achieved 15th place out of 57 international teams in their division!! They performed beautifully, learned valuable life lessons and formed many memories along the way. We truly appreciate the help of 12 Ordinary Women. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!



Grace called...


Good Morning!!

I just wanted to say thank you for blessing me in such a way today!! I am so grateful and appreciative to be a recipient of the kindness and generosity of your organization! Wow!!

Everyday I wake in prayer, thanking God for my blessings and pray that I will be open to receive whatever He has in store for me and with the phone call from Grace, it was a true blessing!

Maybe you all understand or possibly have no idea how this gift comes at a time in my life where I am working so hard to improve my financial position;, this is an absolute answer to my prayers!! The hardships I have endured over the past several years have been tremendous and while I strongly believe I have weathered the real estate storm, everyday I continue to overcome adversity!

I will be able to gift someone else in the near future and would love to know how is that accomplished?

Kindest regards and thank you from the depths of my heart,


"you do not have to know a person to make a difference."


Dearly 12 Ordinary Women,

It has been less than an hour and I am still in shock. This is simply amazing. The act of kindness by this group shows how mighty God truly is.

A few months ago, my newborn was diagnosed Cystic Fibrosis. This has been a challenge, especially since it took 8 months to finally figure out. We have had our ups and downs and today was defiantly an “up”!

As medications and monthly visits add up, we were struggling. Then, out of no where, I received a call and a lady from 12 Ordinary Women showed up and handed me a card. What was inside was the sweetest letter and a gift. This paid for a month supplies of medications she has to have. Words cannot describe the over-whelming joy and encouragement this gift brings.

Any cards and notes we recieve, my wife and I keep. One day, when CF stands for “Cure Found”, we want to show our daughter the love and support she received during the difficult part of her life. Thank you for being apart of that and showing that you do not have to know a person to make a difference! God bless.

JC and SC

Giving you a little "happy"in your time of need.

It is truly amazing how God sends people in your life just when you need them. The month of May had been pretty hard for me. My son had been sick from his chemo and it seemed we were at the hospital or doctor's office more than we were at home. When my husband brought home a beautifully wrapped gift for me from some undisclosed women. He said, someone stopped by the office and just said to give this to me. When I opened my gift, I was overwhelmed by the generosity of someone I don't even know. I was given a beautiful necklace and a relaxing hour message and the sweetest letter. It is the most humbling experience to have a group of women you don't know who are praying for you and giving you a little "Happy" in your time of need. I don't now who you are but I am blown away at the stories and your thoughtfulness. God has been my rock and to see his hands at work through people like you is so humbling. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your gift and I hope one day I will be able to do the same for someone else.

May God continue to bless each of you, 12 Ordinary Women,


Your generosity and kindness is overwhelming!


Dearest 12 Ordinary Women, 
   Indeed your generosity and kindness is overwhelming!  I was really speechless when one of you ladies came to the restaurant with your gifts.  I am so amazed that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY has included me to be one of the recipient of your marvelous work of kindness to the people who are really in need.  Would you believe 12 Ordinary Women that you gave your gift to me on the very month of my Birthday which is May 31 and you gave it to me before Mother`s Day.  I just want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you 12 ORDINARY WOMEN. More power to your good works!

Out of the blue indulgent gift!


Dear 12 Ordinary Women,

This is a VERY belated but heartfelt thank you for your “out of the blue” generous gift.   I can’t even begin to express my thankfulness and I stand in awe!  The timing of your gift could not have been better.  I continue to be amazed at how God will bolster my spirit and courage at the exact moment I need it most and in ways beyond my wildest imagination.  Grace delivered not only the gift but also precious words of encouragement.  I must confess after she left, I sat down and wept.

If I may share with you briefly how I have utilized your indulgent gift.  First and foremost, tithes and offerings, then I was able to have my home cleaned and lastly I am getting safety handrails installed in my bathroom.

Thank you again for being such a tangible expression of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you for being the hand at the end of His arm that reaches.  

With love and appreciation, your sister in Christ –JM

Random Act of Kindness


"I also wanted to tell you about a random act of kidness that I want everyone to know about. I got a delivery of a beautiful hanging basket of flowers with two cards in it. One card was from 
12 Ordinary Women. It said that they had heard our story and wanted to lift me and my family up. And then it had the web address: 12ordinarywomen.com

When I went to that site, it had a picture of 12 women behind a stone wall with large hats on so you can't see who they are. The other card was a gift card to get my nails done. Unbelievable! These women are amazing and I wish them and their families to be blessed a million times over. Please go and check this out. 

I can't stop crying with love and joy in my heart!


i can’t stop crying w/love and joy in my heart!!!

today i had a visit from a young women that i didn’t know telling me i

was selected to receive a special gift to encourage and bring addtional sunshine to my life!!!

well, my oh my it did!!! when i was able to recover from the shock –

 i read the card (i now have framed) –

 what an honor to be recognized as being a special women in our community.

a money gift was also included!!

i have a boarding home and am on a budget of sorts –

 so this gift touched my heart in so many ways –

1st thing i did was tell the boys were having pizza or hamburgers tomorrow –

this is a luxury for us – we are so blessed!!!

i can never thank 12 Ordindary Women enough….

this is truly 1 of the nicest things that has ever happened to me!!!

God Bless – SS

Overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of strangers


Dear 12 Ordinary Women,

I am once again overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of strangers. When our doorbell rang this morning, my husband greeted a kind woman carrying a basket full of gifts with my name on it. There were movie tickets and goodies, food gift cards, a spa gift card, a coffee mug with coffee, and bountiful amounts of love that I could feel as my husband, son, and I opened each item. My son insisted that it was from my Bunco group because there are 12 women, but I know it is not.

My 12 year old son, R, recently had brain surgery to remove 3 benign tumors from his brain stem. He is doing well, but has a condition called Neurofibromatosis 2. They recently found 2 more tumors in his abdomen. We will be meeting with the doctors today to discuss the next step.  Receiving this package today made us feel extra blessed when we are feeling at the top of our stress and fatigue levels. 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. May God bless each one of you as you continue to shine in the lives of others.

With deepest gratitude and much love,