…only someone who knows me would think of these things!!!

I was given the most generous gift last week and it's taken this long to find words to say thank you. Actually, I haven't found the words... A woman came to my door and handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers along with gifts that were so specific to me that only someone who knows me would think of these things. Have you ever had every emotion under the sun triggered at the same time? I felt choked up, honored, delighted, curious, relieved, sad, guilty, embarrassed. I'd never heard of 12 ordinary women, so I looked it up on line. Honestly, I'd hoped to find a clue, but only found it's ANONYMOUS. It's taken the whole week for me to relax and accept the lovely gifts, and to allow the gratitude to overtake the flood of emotions. I consider myself an independent and self sufficient woman. I've learned that I have to work on accepting. I'm up for the challenge. So, thank you for the wonderful gifts as well as the life lesson. Eileen