Yesterday, I had the honor, gift and pleasure of meeting "Hope". Whether this is her given name or her Angel name, I am not sure. But as hope always brings us a message from God, this was reinforced yesterday. Hope brought me an unexpected and tremendously kind gift. Upon receiving this gift, my first thought was "How can I help?", "How can I pay this forward?" When I got home and had a quiet moment, emotion poured from me and I sat with God in his presence and with great thanks. I am so grateful to know that I have touched even one person in my life, and incredible gestures like this remind me to continue my path in service of God. So many people are in need and yet I was chosen to receive yesterday. I am so grateful and hope that my life continues to be a reflection of this gratitude. 12 Ordinary Women, whoever you are, THANK YOU. I am so grateful and I am so humbled by your loving gifts, kindness, generosity, and mission.