3/15 astounded

My husband and I are astounded and overwhelmed by the goodness and grace poured out over us this morning! Tim and Julie (I'm so sorry I wasn't available to give you both a hug!) handed my husband a devotion book and a note containing a gift for us. The words to us were written straight from the heart of God. Our family's journey right now is unknown to us, but we are trusting God for next steps and His Provision. Today's unexpected gift was exactly what our hearts needed. His manna poured out this day. . My husband and I sat and prayed, tears pouring down our cheeks, amazed at the tangible gift so clearly demonstrating the lavish love of our God. He sees. He hears. He knows. And as the note said, "He IS faithful and we can trust Him in every circumstance of life."Thank you, thank you 12 Ordinary Women for being OUR vessel of healing and hope this day! 
We are so very grateful!
Cary and Andy