I want to sincerely thank 12 Ordinary Women for their huge hearts, thoughtfulness, generosity and caring. Today, when I arrived to work, I received a beautiful surprise gift that was left by the door of my place of employment. Before today, I have not heard of 12 Ordinary Woman. This amazing group of woman, know how to touch my heart and fill my eyes with tears. I was completely at a loss for words by your generosity. The guardian angel will be worn by Kassidey daily and she will be reminded that she will always be guided and protected and I will hang mine near for a daily reminder to myself as well. I may never know who the individual or groups are that helped me and my family, but please know I am so very grateful!!! Words cannot thank you enough and I hope to one day be able to give this warm feeling to someone else. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
V. Johnson