Kinda like the Wizard of Oz!!!

Twelve ordinary women consists of hundreds, maybe thousands, of women whose hearts have been sparked by being able to give the gift of hope.  The website however, is a whole different story...

You know the scene in The Wizard of Oz when they pull the curtain back on the massive Oz operation and there he is, the wizard, just a little guy frantically pushing buttons to keep it all working? Well our website is very much like that...if you pull the curtain back it’s just me, a middle aged woman frantically trying to keep up, to figure out what it means when I get a message to “remove my block and reinstall my list!” WHAT????  🤯 Honestly sometimes I just throw my hands up and walk away, fingers crossed, praying it will just magically fix itself. So dice, it isn’t fixed, I am completely vexed and you all haven’t heard any of the wonderful things that have happened in the past few weeks because women all over the country see another’s pain or need and have given them a gift of HOPE. I just want you to know that I am here, behind the curtain pushing buttons, reading trouble shooting FAQs, calling tech support, trying to get this website up and running like the great Oz that it can be. 

Wish me luck...say a prayer for me...