About 5 weeks ago, “Hope” came to visit. I’m a new mom to 4 kids (ages 9 years to 4 months). My husband was a widower, we got married 18 months ago and I adopted his 3 children. When we had been married for 6 months we were shocked to learn that I was pregnant. So I had 4 kids in 16 months and I’m at capacity.
To say I have felt celebrated the last two years is an understatement. I was barely done with wedding thank you notes when I had to begin baby thank notes. My cup truly overflows from God’s goodness and faithfulness to answering my lifelong prayers for a family of my own. (Got married at 37).
My baby’s entrance to the world was hard and we were in the hospital for 6 days. The weeks following were challenging to say the least and I could barely leave home. To have “Hope”, a stranger to me, come and listen and pray for our young family was a sweet gift during a tender time. I won’t forget the anonymous generosity afforded to me by the 12 (extra)ordinary women. To the woman who nominated me for such a blessing, thank you- my heart soared.