7/14 I received an unexpected gift in the mail yesterday.

My name is Kelly & I received an unexpected gift in the mail yesterday. I cannot express how thankful I am for your amazing group. The heartfelt card brought tears to my eyes. The gift card is greatly appreciated and will help my family out tremendously. Thank you again. I came to your website to learn more about this great group. I spent the better part of the evening reading 12 Ordinary Women's blog. You ladies do amazing things for women & families in their time of need. 
I can honestly say the last few months have been hard for myself & familly. What we thought was gullstones turned out to be small cell lung cancer in the extensive stage, from there his health decreased very quickly & my dad passed away exactly two weeks after being admitted to the hospital. Since I am my dad's oldest living daughter I felt that I had to step up and be strong for everyone, that I couldn't show how truly broken my heart was. Grief is a tricky thing, it hits you at the strangest times. Reading the kind, encouraging words that you wrote made me realize it's okay to cry & show emotion and to hold onto the memories and times we had together.
I feel like a thank you is not enough for what your group has given to me. I would like to learn more about how I could help 12 Ordinary Women continue to do these amazing things for families in need.

Thank You for showing me there are people who care,
