4 year old delayed thank you!!

  I apologize for not thanking you by now, but I had to tell you how often your gift comes to my mind. We are a foster family. 4yrs ago we got a call for our first placement. Our biological children were 7 and 4 at the time. We were in Chattanooga b/c my brother and sister in law were adopting a baby girl who was born that morning. We loved on our new niece, and then headed home to meet our first foster babies. I had given an SOS call to my best friend to make a Target run for me for some "get me through the night items". I am a full time nurse and of course, I had to work the following day. The week was a blur, but filled with many many God moments. I cried from God goodness just as much as I cried from stress and exhaustion. One night that week, the doorbell rang and a group of women whom I did not know walked in with two large pink buckets FULL of stuff for us and our babies. You know the fact that I just let strangers walk in has never even crossed my mind, ha!! My husband and I still tear up when we discuss how awesome that was. Perhaps the most touching part, was that there were gift cards for our biological children who were every bit as stressed as their parents. The thoughtfulness touched us deeply and still touches us today. Thank you 12 Ordinary Women for being more than ordinary! Thank you for your support and encouragement just when we needed it most! 
The Burrough Family