12/13 Beautiful people like you help more then you know...

Recently I became very broken because of the tragedy me and my family have endured in losing five of our family members in one day and are now also battling my dads terminal cancer and also my Mom was lost to cancer 3 years ago. Like I said I become very sick from all of the loss and trauma and have been barely hanging on by a thread. Beautiful people like you help more then you know in restoring my hope in life and all that is still wonderful and amazing here.........something I needed more then you could ever know. Your generosity and care has made me feel so very blessed and helps me know I am still worthy even if I am broken. 12 ordinary woman also remind me that the spirit of living is about just this.... Love, giving and sharing and show us all that there is still so much sunshine in spite of the darkness! I would love to pay this forward someday! Thank you for making everything more bearable for me. You are the best of all of us! God bless you!! Kelly