Your help and encouragement will continue to show me the way

Today, August 27, I anxiously awaited a visit from an anonymous woman who called me earlier in the week. I was reluctant to have her come to my house because she did not give me any information about who she was, or who put her up to this visit. She just told me 'It will be great."

A sweet woman with a big smile came to my door, asked if I was Theresa and proceeded to give me an envelope. I thanked her, wished her a wonderful day, and she was on her way.

When I opened up the card and read it, I was speechless. The heartfelt words and love that came through this words warmed my heart. The words were the greatest gift I have received. But in addition to the card was a generous amount of money. This was such an unnecessary gesture, but so appreciated.

I have been a single mom of three. Having full responsibility for them and working full-time has been challenging. There have been many trial over the course of the decade, but we have persevered and continue to do so.

Every night I say my “Gratitudes” for the blessing God puts in my life everyday. It has helped me stay positive. (Because there are days I do want to throw in the towel).

God blessed me again today for the angel(s) that thought of me and recognized what I believe most women would do for their families. I am humbled and truly believes that God works in mysterious ways. You are friends of the heart. I thank all of those involved on this “gift”. It will never be forgotten. You have made a difference. Your help and encouragement will continue to show me the way. Many blessings!