Ordinary women? I don't think so. Extraordinary, yes. Ordinary, no. The last six months have been unbelievably difficult. Since December, 2015, I have had very little income, if any at all. My daughter has spent most of the first half of the year in the hospital in ICU. January and February, she was gravely ill and there were times when I was asked to stay at the hospital … just in case. I have never been so scared in my life. Jillayne and I have fought through every day for 25 years together. I am a single mom and have been the only source of support. And please don't get me wrong – we have a fabulous life together, but sometimes it feels like we are just trying to survive each day rather than live each day. And these last six or seven months we have done nothing but dig, scratch and pray to survive – physically, emotionally and financially. Over the past months, we have been overwhelmed by the kindness of others. And I guess that's what makes everything so much more meaningful. Jillayne and I are better givers than receivers, so it has been rather humbling for us. When I say that you are God's grace in an envelope, it couldn't be more true. To have that little bit of breathing room for just the basics was such a relief. But to have a few fun “extras” like a coffee treat and a book? When I say you have no idea … you have no idea. Jillayne and I are humbled. Jillayne and I are grateful. And once things settle and get back on track – Jillayne and I would love to be part of this group so we can pay it forward. Until you have been on the receiving end and felt that warmth and relief – you just don't know what a God-send that gift is. Thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts!