You do the extraordinary work of God!

12 Ordinary Women doing the EXTRAordinary work of God. How does one thank the unknown givers beyond this site? How can you know that your prayers, feet and hands speak a language of love that is God given. How did you know that I always wanted a Magnolia tree? How did you know that a planting of the the Lord, a visual altar of His continued provision is one the the many themes planted in my heart over the last 21 months of living in the wilderness? How can you know that your monetary gift continues to lead us in cultivating a heart of humility and thankfulness knowing that God is well of aware of our needs and circumstances? Isaiah 61:3c the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. This is how…that He may be glorified in this day. The leading of the Lord in your lives is the miraculous work of God. Thank you for your gifts, your tangible encouragement, your prayers & ministry. You have lifted the ordinary into the supernatural. We continue to be amazed at what God is doing and surprised by the ways the Body of Christ has come alongside the family of a former Pastor dealing with cancer and unemployment. May you know the pleasure of God over your lives this day. In His abiding Peace, Jamie