Twin Cities, Mpls/St Paul area thank you

We are located near the Twin Cities, Mpls/St Paul area, our package came from Bloomington, MN I believe.
Wednesday was a tough day for us. A lot of days lately have been tough, our 9 year old daughter Maggie passed away on November 14, 2014, from cancer. She had DIPG (an inoperable pediatric brain tumor). Wednesday was my day off work and we had things scheduled to get done, namely we were going to pick out our daughters grave marker. Seeing her name on a headstone was heart wrenching, we know she is gone but somehow this made it seem even more final. We picked out a beautiful and fitting design for her. Upon returning home, the mail man followed me into our driveway and asked for me to sign for a package. My husband and I went in the house to open it and were absolutely floored by the unique, thoughtful generous gift that had been sent to us by your wonderful organization! It came at a time that we were feeling kind of low, and it lifted us up immediately, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Knowing that there are such good people in the world that would go out of their way to make such a kind gesture to complete strangers really restores my faith in this world. God Bless you and all that you do in your service to the world. Thank you,
from the family of Maggie