I live in Brentwood, Tennessee and my name is Sherry. Labor Day weekend my husband Whit died suddenly of a heart attack. I have 2 teenage girls who were very close to their dad. We were devastated by the loss and because he died at home the process of sorting through his business and dealing with the medical examiner took a very long time. I was very worried and sad during those first few weeks and had shed many tears. One Thursday evening I was sitting alone having a personal devotional and feeling low. The doorbell rang and I hesitated to go because I had been crying. When I opened the door two ladies I didn't know said that I had been blessed by 12 Ordinary Women. They handed me an envelope and turned and walked away. I was dumbfounded and just stood there, I'm sure with my mouth open. They drove away and I half waved goodbye. The envelope had many bills of cash and three necklaces. One for each of us. I just broke down and sobbed at that point. I couldn't believe the kindness of complete strangers. That gesture has stayed with me and I want to sincerely thank whoever was responsible for blessing us at such a low point in our lives. We'll never forget it. It did restore my faith in people because that is what mattered most to me when a Whit died, that people did care. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I don't know who you are but we love you!
Sherry, Sabrina and Sydney