I received your gifts of hope and care today in a beautiful little bag. I could not figure out why the woman delivering it would not introduce herself. My daughter was intrigued and kept trying to open the bag for me. As I opened each envelope and read the notes and took out the beautiful necklace, tears filled my eyes. I understood that whoever had this delivered to me was aware that our 22 year old son is dealing with cancer and our family is really struggling to come to grips with that. My mom's heart seems to break daily for him. How sweet and generous for someone to think of me with this gesture. I caught myself touching the necklace today and thinking the word "Hope" that is engraved on the little charm. And I cannot wait to use mani/pedi gift before I go to a family wedding next weekend! Whoever you are, I feel like God blew me a kiss today through your thoughtfulness...a sweet reminder that He is right here...still! I LOVE the concept of this group. I am from Franklin, TN and was so excited to see that it started right here in my town! This is awesome, ladies! You are anything but ordinary! Thank you! M