I opened my door yestereday to the warmest smile I have ever seen. The beautiful lady behind it gave me a book and a card. I have read Proof of Heaven, enjoyed it, gave it to my sister and she passed it on to a friend. Now I realize it came back to me. I will reread it and this one is my treasure that I will keep forever. The card held a mound of cash--what a surprise and what a blessing. Cancer is a costly disease, even with insurance and this will help us so much. Thank you. I am grateful for the book and the money, but even more grateful for someone nominating me and being selected for your gifts.. I feel so special today, so loved, so not alone in this journey because I know somebody out there cares about me and that, my anonymous friends, is priceless. The heartstrings that connect us will always be present and even though I don't know who you are, I love you.
Thank you again. J M