You have enriched my life...

What an awesome surprise I found when I went to lock my storm door on Saturday night!!! I found this bag filled with a beautiful candle (I love candles -- they "mask" the fact that my house needs to be cleaned!), 2 sweet cards, & a most generous monetary gift! Wow! Just another example of God's servants being His earthly angels & the "hands & feet of Jesus". I don't know who you are but you will never know how appreciative I am of your prayers & gifts. In fact, I'm going to frame your sweet message & the history behind this awesome organization. (By the way, I'd love to be a member or start another one. I have lots of friends who have the same desire.) I can never repay the people that God has used in my life since October 7th, but I do intend to pass on His love to others. May each of you have a wonderful Christmas & please know how much you have enriched my life. I love you, K O