Anonymous Generosity!

I was blessed today at The Fine Art in Brentwood Show and Sales by the anonymous generosity of 12 Ordinary Women in response to the burning of our home and studio. Gift card for art supplies, photo session for my family, a necklace that says Hope, and toys for daughter Sophie. People are unfailingly kind. I have no idea who these extraordinary women are but they are the hands and feet of Jesus to me. In the aftermath of this fire, I can say without hesitation that we have gained far more than we have lost. Every day brings a new blessing. God is so good. Thank you, wonderful women, for loving my family, bringing encouragement, and helping me testify to God's grace, mercy and goodness!

"Forget the former things. Do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up! Can you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:18-19.

Emily, Matt and Sophie